I first began thinking of the Temporary Autonomous Zones ("TAZ") concept last summer after reading a blog post by Jeff Vail. I have experienced these in my past when I belonged to an intentional community back in the mid-1990s, although we didn't call them TAZs back then. Over the past 6 months or so, a part of my mind has been playing with the idea of organizing one here on the west coast. (I have some experience in organizing and promoting special events.) The idea behind it is to not only give people a new experience but a new way of looking at their lives.
Recently, I wrote a blog post about a modern day pirate who seeks out TAZs all over the globe. I can't recommend this book strongly enough.
This morning I noticed a headline in the Karavans newsfeed widget (at right) that read A Pirate's Life for Me which led me to the Tribe Anthropik's announcement that it is holding a TAZ in WV in September.
So, it's starting!
Now the mind begins to race with ideas and questions. How much preplanning can you do around what events and activities to offer? Does preplanning and organization go against the spirit of a TAZ?
The Tribe Anthropik doesn't go into any detail on this other than to mention a council meeting on the Saturday of the event.
Have you ever seen the HBO series "Carnivale" about a travelling carnival during the Great Depression? One of my ideas centers around making a road show of the TAZ where you have a small group of people travelling around the country holding TAZs.
So, if you are reading this and interested in the concept, let's talk here.
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