Today James Kunstler called David Brooks of the New York Times a "peckerhead" in his blog. In fact, he added, "Actually, Brooks could qualify for peckerhead of the decade among mainstream news pundits, since his fantasies about America diverge so extravagantly from the realities our nation faces."
I first realized this fact about David Brooks a couple of years ago when he denied that American society was divided by a hierarchical class system. In his column that day Brooks compared American society to a high school cafeteria where "nerds, jocks, punks, bikers, techies, druggies, God Squadders," organize themselves into self-chosen cliques, all of which are basically equal. It's been a long time since I read it, but if I remember correctly, he also suggested that people were free to move around from clique to clique. No one was permanently stuck in his clique or class, according to Brooks.
Oh really?
I have just one question for David: What color is the sky in your world, friend?
Did this man attend high school in the USA? Or was he home schooled? Has he ever wondered outside of Manhattan? Has he ever been to small town America? Frankly, we could expect a more realistic assessment of American society from Paris Hilton. At least she's slummed it with regular Americans for her TV "reality show".
For a few years now I have been curious about what Brook's real role is at the Times. Is Brook's the Time's version of Combes over at Fox News? I forget Combe's first name, but he's the weak, ineffectual, sissy-pants "liberal" they have on payroll in order to carry on the charade of providing balanced viewpoints. The more I read Brooks, the more I suspect that he is the liberal Time's version of Combes.
If you want the reality of the American class system, read Joe Bageant. He's a far better writer than Brooks and views the American class system with an unflinching eye. It's there whether you want to admit it or not.
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