First of all, many thanks to Green Style for hosting last week's Carnival of the Green.
Here are this week's Carnival of the Green submissions in the precise order that they came in:
Doris Chua presents I'm Not A Plastic Bag! posted at Doris Go Shopping.
Lifegoggles has a new ebook 100 Ways To Save The Planet.
Beth Terry writes Some of my best friends are plastic bags! Many people consider plastic bags to be evil and have discarded them in favor of reusable totes. Which is fine. But this article is about saving old plastic grocery bags and reusing them in place of things for which we'd otherwise have to buy new plastic. It emphasizes Re-use before Re-cycling.
John presents Number of Threatened Species Increasing posted at A DC Birding Blog.
Melanie Rimmer contributes a piece titled Everything I know about environmentalism, I learned from Star Wars.
Vihar Sheth presents The Debate Heats Up: Vegetarianism & Climate Change posted at green | rising.
Tiffany Washko presents Eco Friendly Friday Tip posted at Natural Family Living Blog.
Howard Ditkoff presents Emotional Responses to the Andrew Meyer & John Kerry Incident: A Psychological Study in Issues of Power, Anger and Authority posted at Blog.
Aaron Newton submitted The
4 Day Work Week
The clear fact that a 4 day work week would save such a precious
non-renewable resource is just the first of 16 reasons why I think it's
time to revive the idea of reducing the numbers of days we work each
Nick Aster takes a look at the strange Media Exposure an oil refinery expansion is getting.
Amanda Hanley writes on 7 ways to reduce your exposure to PBDE flame retardants.
PBDEs are everywhere, and there's some evidence connecting them to brain
and developmental problems in animals and possibly even cancer. Exposure to
flame retardant chemicals is ubiquitous, but there are things you can do to keep
the concentration of PBDEs in your body as low as possible.
Eric Michael Johnson presents Twin Towers on a Pale Blue Dot posted at The Primate Diaries.
Eric Michael Johnson presents The Dangers of Technological Adolescence posted at The Primate Diaries.
Eric Michael Johnson presents Primate Experimentation Under the Microscope posted at The Primate Diaries.
Don from is live-blogging a nation-wide Christian environmental conference at Vineyard Church, Boise ID. His posts are here and being updated throughout the day.
Allie from has contributed a piece on parabens.
Adam Williams contributes two more articles by Joel Williams:
Andy presents Car Gas Experiment: Regular or Premium? posted at Money Walks.
Lisa C. Baker writes on The current news from Jena, LA gives an opportunity to rethink the NIMBY-ism of environmental injustice.
10,000 Birds submitted Long-lining - An Old Problem That Needs Solving Now. As you can might surmise, it's about the environmental hazards and dietary implications of modern fishing practices. The author is Charlie Moores of 10,000 Birds.
Harlan Weikle has written a piece on wine titled As American as apple pie, burgers and Napa Valley.
Marie at Green Fertility offers a post on organic chocolate.
Marilyn Terrell presents The Carbon Diet: Final Results: National Geographic Magazine posted at The Carbon Diet.
Marilyn Terrell for Jeannette Kimmel presents Goats Cut Carbon Emissions posted at Intelligent Travel.
Marilyn Terrell for Emily King presents True Nature Country Fair posted at Intelligent Travel.
Marilyn Terrell of Intelligent Travel blog presents Green Car Congress: Study: N2O Emissions from Biofuel Crop Production Negates Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Using Biofuels posted at Green Car Congress.
Idiot/Savant presents Climate change: preliminary analysis posted at No Right Turn.
David from has submitted a piece called What are GMO's and why you should avoid them.
Aundi presents Complexity Theory and Economies posted at Queercents.
Sue Luxton offers us an article on the Green Party of England and Wales "Does the Green Party Need a Leader?"
Chris Baskind offer tips for saving energy and preparing for autumn A Dozen Tips for a Greener Autumn.
Mary Ellen from Blue Voice submits a piece on pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson author of Silent Spring.
The October 1st host for the 97th Carnival of the Green will be World is Green.
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