I just received a heads up that Salon magazine has published a four page article on Peak Oil. (Salon Peak Oil article) It does a pretty good job of covering the main personalities in the PO movement. You can read it for free by agreeing to view the ad. I particularly liked the final paragraph:
"I think that we can adapt, but our adapting may not be so much technological, as sociological, and maybe even spiritual," Robinson says. "It really comes down to the question of the place that we see for ourselves in the world and what we need in order to live a meaningful life. For quite a while now, a meaningful life in America has meant acquisition of things and cheap energy, and we associate that with freedom. We do not see that it's really a form of dependence and slavery. So, I see the potential for a much greater level of freedom and spiritual fulfillment and social cohesion, and restoration of balance with the natural world. This is one of the great possibilities that I see on the other side of the crisis, and whether we get to that is a question of the choices that we make now."
Peter- Thanks for the Salon link. I didn't even have to watch the commercial! Interesting article. You can always count on the Northern Californians to be ahead of the curve.
Posted by: Matt | March 22, 2006 at 04:28 PM