There's an excellent series of four articles on life after Peak oil in the Austin Chronicle by Michael Ventura. Here are the links.
Things to come: part I [2005-09-30]
With two storms, nature has increased the speed of America's decline by several years. This series of columns sketches what we're in for (for good as well as for ill). The focus of this column is air travel and the tourist industries.
Things to come: Part 2 [2005-10-14]
People of all political persuasions are beginning to face the reality that Americans' demand for oil is outpacing our supply and refining capacity, which in turn will cripple our economy's ability to grow. Our disposable society will become a scavenging society, and, on the brighter side, a more inventive society.
Things to come: part 3 [2005-10-28]
With oil in the future rationed to agriculture, essential services, and (inevitably) the military, and personal long-distance driving and passenger flight no longer feasible – then, if the United States is to remain a continental entity, the only answer is trains.
Things to come: part 4 and last [2005-11-11]
Right now, and for at least the next three years of this administration, the United States of America is not being governed. Hurricane Katrina demonstrated, and Iraq every day confirms, that the powers-that-be are dysfunctional. We are on our own.
Click here for a good introduction to Peak Oil.
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